Artist Directory

Cowley Abbott is actively pursuing artwork by Historical and Post-War Canadian Artists. This directory provides details of artists and/or their works which have been sold through past Cowley Abbott sales. While this database gives an indication of the artists and their works which would be accepted for consignment to future Cowley Abbott auctions, please note that this listing does not represent an exclusive list and clients are encouraged to contact our offices should the artist of your artwork not be represented.

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Found 68 artists who's last name begins with 'C'

Select the artist from the list below for biographical details and auction highlights.

Doris Caesar
(1892 - 1971)
Oscar Cahén
(1916 - 1956) Painters Eleven
Ghitta Caiserman-Roth
(1923 - 2005) RCA
Alexander Calder
(1898 - 1976)
Javier Calleja
Richard Calver
Alex Cameron
Eric Cameron
Yvonne Canu
(1921 - 2008)
Raymond Caouette
Consalvo Carelli
(1818 - 1900)
Bobbie Carlyle
Florence Emily Carlyle
(1864 - 1923) RCA, OSA
Franklin Carmichael
(1890 - 1945) Group of Seven, Canadian Group of Painters, OSA, RCA, CSPWC
Paul Archibald Caron
(1874 - 1941) ARCA
Emily Carr
(1871 - 1945) Canadian Group of Painters
Edith M. Carter Walters
Alfred Joseph Casson
(1898 - 1992) Group of Seven, Canadian Group of Painters, PRCA, OSA, CSPWC
Felipe Castaneda
Lynn Russell Chadwick
(1914 - 2003)
Marc Chagall
(1887 - 1985)
Yehouda Chaki
(1938 - 2023)
Frederick Sproston Challener
(1869 - 1959) OSA, RCA
Jack Chambers
(1931 - 1978)
Horace Champagne
Rod Charlesworth
Thomas Frederick Haig Chatfield
(1921 - 1999)
Li Chen
Dale Chihuly
Eduardo Chillida
(1924 - 2002)
Jogen Chowdhury
Victor Cicansky
(1935) RCA
Richard Ciccimarra
(1924 - 1973)
Douglas Clark
Paraskeva Plistik Clark
(1898 - 1986) Canadian Group of Painters, OSA, RCA
Bob Carlos Clarke
(1950 - 2006)
Dana Claxton
Albert Edward Cloutier
(1902 - 1965) RCA
Robert Clow Todd
(1809 - 1866)
John Ford Clymer
(1907 - 1989)
Frederick Simpson Coburn
(1871 - 1960) RCA
Leonard Cohen
Nora Frances Elisabeth Collyer
(1898 - 1979) Beaver Hall Group
David Alexander Colville
(1920 - 2013) Order of Canada, RCA
Charles Fraser Comfort
(1900 - 1994) Canadian Group of Painters, OSA, PRCA, RCA, CSPWC, MSA, CSGA,
William Conor
(1881 - 1968)
Edith Grace Coombs
(1890 - 1986) RCA
Emily Coonan
(1885 - 1971) Beaver Hall Group
Joan Cornellà
Rafael Coronel
(1931 - 2019)
Edouard Léon Cortès
(1882 - 1969)
Stanley Morel Cosgrove
(1911 - 2002) Canadian Group of Painters, RCA
Bruno Côté
(1940 - 2010)
John Graham Coughtry
(1931 - 1999)
Rody Kenny Courtice
(1895 - 1973) Canadian Group of Painters, OSA, RCA
Robert Couturier
Elford Bradley Cox
(1914 - 2003)
Philip Craig
Michael Craig-Martin
David Craven
(1946 - 2016)
Patrick Cruz
Georges Csató
(1910 - 1983)
Jack William Culiner
Maurice Galbraith Cullen
(1866 - 1934) RCA
Gregory Richard Curnoe
(1936 - 1992)
Ethel Luella Curry
(1902 - 2000)
Edward S. Curtis
William Malcolm Cutts
(1857 - 1943)