Artist Directory

Cowley Abbott is actively pursuing artwork by Historical and Post-War Canadian Artists. This directory provides details of artists and/or their works which have been sold through past Cowley Abbott sales. While this database gives an indication of the artists and their works which would be accepted for consignment to future Cowley Abbott auctions, please note that this listing does not represent an exclusive list and clients are encouraged to contact our offices should the artist of your artwork not be represented.

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Found 20 artists who's last name begins with 'J'

Select the artist from the list below for biographical details and auction highlights.

Richard Jack
(1866 - 1952) RCA
Naomi Jackson Groves
(1910 - 2001)
Alexander Young Jackson
(1882 - 1974) Group of Seven, Canadian Group of Painters, OSA, RCA
Otto Reinhold Jacobi
(1812 - 1901) OSA, PRCA
Július Jakoby
(1903 - 1985)
Alex Simeon Janvier
(1935 - 2024) RCA, Order of Canada
Louis Jaque
(1919 - 2010)
Pierre Jaques
(1913 - 2000)
Donald Jarvis
(1923 - 2001)
Don Jean-Louis
(1937 - 2021)
Charles William Jefferys
(1869 - 1951) Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour
Frère Jérôme
(1902 - 1994)
Jean-Paul Jérôme
(1928 - 2004) Les Plasticiens, RCA
Jasper Johns
Rae Johnson
Frances Anne Johnston
(1910 - 1987)
Frank Hans Johnston
(1888 - 1949) Group of Seven, OSA, ARCA, CSPWC
John Young Johnstone
(1887 - 1930) ARCA
Asger Jorn
(1914 - 1973)
Denis Juneau
(1925 - 2014) Les Plasticiens