Artwork by Books and Reference,  A Selection of Fifteen Art Reference Catalogues and Journals

Books and Reference
A Selection of Fifteen Art Reference Catalogues and Journals

15 books
11.5 x 8.5 x 0.1 in ( 29.2 x 21.6 x 0.3 cm ) ( Largest )

Auction Estimate: $300.00$200.00 - $300.00

Price Realized $24.00
Sale date: August 20th 2024

From the Collection of Dennis Reid
- "Metaphors on Vision" (Stan Brakhage, 1960);

- "Human Touch/Touche Humaine: A Touring Exhibition of the Niagara Artists' Company" (John B. Boyle, circa 1983) inscribed "D. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Fall 1985 Art Journal" (The MIT Press, 1985);

- "From the Netherlands: Contemporary Art" (John Hallmark Neff, 1982) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Canadian Art at Auction, 1968-1975: A Record of Sotheby & Co. Ltd. Sales" (Geoffrey Joyner, Paul Duval, 1975) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Kennedy Gallery Hundredth Anniversary Exhibition" (The Arts Student League of New York, 1975) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Canadian Art at Auction, 1975-1980: A Record of Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. Sales" (Geoffrey Joyner, Paul Duval, 1980) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Stepping-Stones" (Mark Luyten, 1992) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Made in Canada! An Investor's Guide to the Canadian Art Market" (Anthony R. Westbridge, 2002) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "How to Find Out About the Arts" (Neville Carrick, 1965) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Woodstock: Fifty Years of Printmaking" (Associated American Artists, 1987) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Exhibition of Contemporary South African Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture" (South African Association of Arts, 1948) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life" (Michael Moore, 2011) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows: A Memoir" (Ai Weiwei, 2021) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Painting and Sculpture in California: The Modern Era" (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1977) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

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Books and Reference