Artwork by Books and Reference,  A Selection of Sixteen Artist Reference Books

Books and Reference
A Selection of Sixteen Artist Reference Books

16 books
12.5 x 16.5 x 1 in ( 31.8 x 41.9 x 2.5 cm ) ( Largest )

Auction Estimate: $500.00$300.00 - $500.00

Price Realized $60.00
Sale date: August 20th 2024

From the Collection of Dennis Reid
- "Ontario's History in Maps" (R. Louis Gentilcore, C. Grant Head, 1984) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Susquehanna: Images of the Settled Landscape" (Roger B. Stein, 1981) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Call of the Coast: Art Colonies of New England" (Thomas Denenberg, Amy Kurtz Lansing, Susan Danly, 2009) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "In Search of the Picturesque: Nineteenth Century Images of Industry Along the Hudson River Valley" (Kenneth W. Maddox, 1983) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Early Michigan Paintings" (Michigan State University, 1976) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "The Michigan Experience" (Michigan State University, 1986) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Dictionary of Hamilton Biography" (Thomas Melville Bailey, 1982) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "American Painters of the Arctic" (Mead Art Gallery, Coe Kerr Gallery, 1975) inscribed "D. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Arcadian Vales: Views of the Connecticut River Valley" (Martha J. Hoppin, Betsy Jones, 1981) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Painters of Cape Ann, 1840-1940: One Hundred Years in Gloucester and Rockport" (Spanierman Gallery, 1996) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "A Catalog of Views and Viewmakers of Urban America, 1825-1925" (John W. Reps, circa 1984);

- "Art & Commerce: American Prints of the Nineteenth Century" (David Tatham, Elton Hall, Bettina Norton, Peter Marzio, Sinclair Hitchings, Janet Flint, Clifford Ackley, David Kiehl, 1975) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Los Angeles Prints, 1883-1980" (Ebria Feinblatt, Bruce Davis, 1980) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Mississippi Panorama" (City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1950) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Natural Histories: A Bestiary" (Jules Renard, 1966) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "The White Mountains: Places and Perceptions" (Donald D. Keys, Catherine H. Campbell, Robert L. McGrath, R. Stuart Wallace, 1980) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page

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Books and Reference