Artwork by Books and Reference,  A Selection of Thirty Early Modern Art Reference Books

Books and Reference
A Selection of Thirty Early Modern Art Reference Books

30 books
Full listing in catalogue details
12.75 x 8.75 x 5 in ( 32.4 x 22.2 x 12.7 cm ) ( Largest )

Auction Estimate: $500.00$300.00 - $500.00

Price Realized $60.00
Sale date: August 20th 2024

From the Collection of Dennis Reid
- "Les Beaux-Arts et les Arts Décoratifs: L'Exposition Universelle de 1900" (Mm. L. Bénédite, J. Cornély, Clément-Janin, Gustave Geffroy, J.-J. Guiffrey, Eugène Guillaume, G. Lafenestre, Lucien Magne, P. Frantz Marcou, Camile Mauclair, Roger Marx, André Michel, Auguste Molinier, Émile Milinier, Salomon Reinach) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on cover;

- "Rodin" (Sommerville Story, 1966) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Rodin" (Leo Steinberg, circa 1965) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover;

- "Constantin Brancusi, the Essence of Things" (Carmen Gimenez, Matthew Gale, 2004) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Antoine Bourdelle" (Philip Rhys Adams, circa 1962) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover;

- "Constantin Brancusi 1876-1957: A Retrospective Exhibition" (Sidney Geist, 1969) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Rodin Graphics" (Victoria Thorson, 1975) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Rodin Rediscovered" (Albert E. Elsen, 1982) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Peinture en France 1900-1967" (Bernard Anthonioz, 1967);

- "Gertrude Stein & Picasso & Juan Gris" (Jean Sutherland Boggs, Douglas Cooper, 1971);

- "Soto" (Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, 1969) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Victor Brauner" (Ubu Gallery, 2003) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Maillol" (Andre Ross, Dina Vierny, John Rewald, Kazou Anazawa, Chuji Ikegami, Bertrand Lorquin, Thomas Michael Gunther, 1984) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "The Documents of Modern Art: vol. 1. The Cubist Painters, Aesthetic Meditations" (Guillaume Apollinaire, Lionel Abel, 1962) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Sculpture of Antoine Bourdelle" (Rhodia Dufet-Bourdelle, John Latham, circa 1970) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Rodin: The Shape of Genius" (Ruth Butler, 1993) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters); inscribed "J. Macdonald Dec. 31/98!";

- "Early Modern Sculpture" (William Tucker, 1974) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "The Drawings of Rodin" (Albert Elsen, J. Kirk T. Varnedoe, 1972) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Rodin" (Albert E. Elsen, 1963) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Yves Tanguy" (James Thrall Soby, 1955) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Yves Tanguy" (Jean Maurel, Roland Penrose, Robert Lebel, Jose Pierre, 1982) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Brancusi: A Study of the Sculpture" (Sidney Geist, 1967) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Les Peintres Cubistes" (L. C. Breunig, J.-Cl. Chevalier, 1965) inscribed "Dennis R. Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Brancusi & Duchamp" (Marielle Tabart, Doina Lemny, Edith Balas, William Camfield, 2000) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Raymond Duchamp Villon" (George Heard Hamilton, William C. Agee, 1967) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Andre Masson: Inside Outside Surrealism" (Michael Parke-Taylor, Laurie J. Monahan, 2001) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Art by Auguste Rodin" (Paul Gsell, Mrs. Romilly Fedden, 1912) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Four Americans in Paris" (John B. Hightower, Margaret Potter, Irene Gordon, Lucile M. Golson, Leon Katz, Douglas Cooper, Ellen B. Hirschland, Leo Stein, 1970) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Hommage de la Sculpture a Brancusi" (Georges A. Salles, Jean Cassou, 1957);

- "Marcel Jean" (Pro Fine Art International, 1985) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters)

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Books and Reference