Artwork by Books and Reference,  A Selection of Twelve Italian Artist Reference Books

Books and Reference
A Selection of Twelve Italian Artist Reference Books

12 books
Full listing in catalogue details
12.25 x 9.25 x 0.6 in ( 31.1 x 23.5 x 1.5 cm ) ( Largest )

Auction Estimate: $300.00$200.00 - $300.00

Price Realized $24.00
Sale date: August 20th 2024

From the Collection of Dennis Reid
- "The Italian Painters of the Renaissance" (Bernard Berenson, 1959) inscribed "Sheila Anderson, November 9, 1962"; "Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart go together - Ruskin"; "Beauty is around and within you, preserve it! Love, Mother";

- "Mario Merz" (The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1984) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "The Sculpture of Verrocchio" (Charles Seymour, Jr. 1971) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Berenson and the Connoisseurship of Italian Painting" (David Alan Brown, 1979) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Seven Florentine Heads: Fifteenth Century Drawings from the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen" (Martin Clayton, 1993) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Italian Drawings from the Collection of Duke Roberto Ferretti" (David McTavish, 1985) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Enzo Cucchi" (Diane Waldman, 1986) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "The Golden Century of Venetian Painting" (Terisio Pignatti, 1979) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Mimmo Paladino: Etchings, woodcuts and linocuts 1983-86" (Waddington Graphics, 1986) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Leonardo: Studies for the Last Supper from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle" (Carlo Pedretti, Kenneth Clark, 1983) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters);

- "Fra Angelico" (Christopher Lloyd, 1979) inscribed "Dennis Reid" on inside cover page;

- "Giuseppe Penone: The Hidden Life Within" (Germano Celant, John Bently Mays, Didier Semin, Matthew Teitelbaum, 2013) stamped by Dennis Reid (his name in Chinese characters)

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Books and Reference