Artwork by  Books and Reference,  A Large Collection of Auction Catalogues and Publications

Books and Reference
A Large Collection of Auction Catalogues and Publications

98 books
Full listing in cataloguing details
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Auction Estimate: $300.00$200.00 - $300.00

Price Realized $132.00
Sale date: January 31st 2023

Private Collection, Toronto
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (September 1969);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (October 1969);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (November 1969);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (April 1969);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (May 1969);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (March 1970);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (April 1970);
- “Christie’s (Canada) with Montreal Book Auctions” (May 1970);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (April 1971);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (April 1972);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (November 1972);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (October 1975);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (October 1973);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (May 1974);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (May 1975);
- “Christie’s in Canada” (May 1976);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1969);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (April 1969);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1967);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (May 1968);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1967);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1968);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1973);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (May 1974);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1974);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (May 1975);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1975);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (April 1970);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (May 1970);
- “Sotheby & Co. (Canada)” (October 1970);
- “Jacoby’s of Montreal” (November 1968);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1981);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1982);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, June 1986);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, May 1985);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, October 1985);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, May 1987);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1986);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1987);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1984);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, May 1989);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, May-June 1988);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, May 1981);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, June 1982);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1988);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1989);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1980);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, March 1982);
- “Sotheby’s” (Toronto, November 1987);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (Canadian Art, May 1980);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (November 1979);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1976);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (October 1976);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (October 1977);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1977);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1978);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (October 1978);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1979);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1971);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (November 1971);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (June 1972);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (November 1972);
- “Sotheby Parke Berner (Canada)” (May 1973);
- “Sotheby’s” (Canadian Art, Toronto, May 1984);
- “Sotheby’s” (Canadian Art, Addendum, Toronto, May 1983);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, May 1986);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, May 1987);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, May 1989);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, November 1985);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, November 1986);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, November 1987);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Canadian Art, November 1988);
- “Joyner’s Fine Art” (Collection of the Late Lawrence T. Porter, November 1987);
- “Waddington’s” (Canadiana, June 1980);
- “Fraser Bros.” (Canadian Art, October 1986);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (1980-81);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Third Edition, 1981-82);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Fourth Edition, 1982-83);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Sixth Edition, 1984-85);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Seventh Edition, 1985-86);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Eighth Edition, 1986-87);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Ninth Edition, 1987-88);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 10, 1988-89);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 11, 1989-90);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 12, 1990-91);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 13, 1991-92);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 14, 1992-93);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 15, 1993-94);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (Volume 16, 1994-95);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (1997 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (1998 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (1999 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2000 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2002 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2003 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2004 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2005 Edition);
- “Canadian Art Sales Index” (2006 Edition)

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Books and Reference