Giant Tabular Iceberg in Fog, Antarctica by David Burdeny

David Burdeny
Giant Tabular Iceberg in Fog, Antarctica
c print
titled to a label on the glass lower right
23 x 69 ins ( 58.4 x 175.3 cms ) ( image )
Auction Estimate: $2,000.00 - $3,000.00
Price Realized $2,400.00
Sale date: November 30th 2021
Private Collection, Newfoundland
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David Burdeny
Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, David Burdeny has a degree in Interior Design and a Masters in Architecture. At the age of 12, David started to photograph the prairie landscape and make his own black and white prints in a makeshift darkroom that also served as his bedroom closet. Primarily self taught, his architecture and design background greatly influences his penchant for simple exacting photographs of sky, horizon and the marks humankind leaves behind. Influenced by notable photographers such Michael Kenna, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Fay Goodwin, David purposefully photographs in poor light and near darkness. He uses unusually long exposures to see that which our eyes cannot. Moving beyond the literal, his images have been described as ominous, haunting, beautiful and meditative.